Issue 2 Summer 2003

Society of Oxford University Engineers

Welcome to the second issue of SOUE News

We are hoping to produce an issue roughly once a year (Issue 1 was in December 2001); the production of this issue has been regrettably delayed by some months due to work commitments. You will see that most of our articles describe activities in the Department, but one, by Jeremy Cooper, describes what one of our graduates has been up to in the world outside. We hope this will be the first of many such. If you have something to say that you think might be of interest to fellow members, please let us have it. It doesn't have to be about some bang-up-to-date activity. For instance, if you were involved in something rather fascinating back in 1940, why not write about it now, while you still can!

Please send articles for publication to SOUE at the address below, or via e-mail to

We would like to draw attention to the request for graduates aged around 30, who would be willing to give advice to undergraduates about careers in their branch of engineering.

The editors, by the way, are:
    Sarah Turner (Lincoln 1987)
    Simon Turner (Lincoln 1987)
    David Witt (Magdalen 1959)

In This Issue

Society of Oxford University Engineers
Department of Engineering Science
University of Oxford
Parks Road


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