Society of Oxford University Engineers

The alumni society for Oxford engineering graduates

Reply slip for the SOUE Jenkin Meeting, Fri-Sat, 14-15 September 2012

Please return to David Witt, Oxford University Department of Engineering Science, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PJ, by 7 September. Or by e-mail to with any payment by PayPal.

I plan to attend the Jenkin Meeting

Name :

College :

Years at Oxford :

Names of any guests :

Would you like to go on either of the Saturday morning tours? Indicate 1 for a first preference and 2 for a second choice (if you have one):

Southwell Laboratory (turbomachinery) :

Institute of Biomedical Engineering :

Please insert amounts as appropriate:

Payment for the dinner on Friday (£32 per head) :

Payment for lunch on Saturday (£10 per head) :

Total :

I enclose a cheque / will pay on-line (delete as appropriate)

Address (postal or e-mail) for us to tell you of a tour allocation or acknowledge receipt of a cheque: