Society of Oxford University Engineers

The alumni society for Oxford engineering graduates

April 2000: Open Day invitation

To members of SOUE

Lubbock/SOUE Open Day 26 May 2000

As last year all members are warmly invited to the Open Day and Lubbock Lecture on Friday 26 May. The lecture will be given by Dr John Taylor, "Director General of Research Councils, Office of Science and Technology". The full programme is enclosed.

Because of extensive renovations being carried out to level 1 of the Thom building the usual lecture room is not available. The location of the various afternoon lectures, tea and the Lubbock lecture are indicated on the accompanying sheet.

The Jenkin lecture will be given on Friday 22 September by Mr Roger Sainsbury, the immediate past president of the Institution of Civil Engineering. This will be followed by dinner in Mansfield College. Please put this in your diary now.

Peter Lund
SOUE Secretary
13 April 2000

Open Day
Friday, 26 May 2000

Programme of Events


Informal visits to see the final day of one week Coursework Modules undertaken by second-year students, including Mechanical Engineering (Alan Knight) Final reassembly of motorcycle and presentations of reports by students Control Engineering (Arthur Dexter) Application of feedback control algorithms to a range of practical controlled systems Intelligent Instrumentation (Penny Probert) A competition involving programmed microcontrollers to guide simple mobile robots Object-Oriented Programming in Java (Malcolm McCulloch) Development of GUIs and application to an open-ended problem

There will also be the possibility of seeing some of the research in progress in the Department.


In the Lecture Theatre of the Computing Laboratory, Parks Road, there will be 3 talks by present and past members of the Department, describing work in the area of Information Engineering.

1415-1455 : Ian Reid : Visual intelligence
1455-1535 : Alison Noble : Ultrasonic image analysis of the heart
1535-1615 : Tim Corbett-Clark (ThirdPhase Ltd) : ThirdPhase - an internet startup based upon reality

1615-1700 : Tea in the Upper Gallery of the Oxford University Museum of Natural History

1700-1800 : The Lubbock Lecture in the University Museum Lecture Theatre

E-science and the Information Utility

Dr John Taylor, OBE, FRS, FREng
Director General of Research Councils, Office of Science and Technology

1830- : Buffet Supper in the Holder Common Room, Department of Engineering Science `

The department is grateful to the Lubbock Trustees for their generous support of this event.

Open Day in the Department of Engineering Science, 26 May 2000

Our annual May Open Day provides an opportunity for all those associated with the Department - staff, students, old members, and our industrial collaborators - to gather together and obtain an overview of current teaching and research in the Department as well as learn how some of our old members have made their career in Engineering.

Our Open Days later in the summer are for schools, as part of the Oxford Science Open Days, allowing potential candidates to look round the Department and see our facilities. In September the Society of Oxford University Engineers (our old members) has a meeting which includes the Jenkin Lecture, the `State of the Nation' address, and the Reunion Dinner. Both of these events however are in the vacation, so there is little opportunity to meet undergraduates. During the May Open Day our guests will be able to meet our students and to see some parts of our teaching programme such as Coursework Modules. There is also the chance to see some of the current research of the Department.

The Lubbock Lecture, presented annually by a leading industrialist on some aspect of Engineering, concludes the formal proceedings of the May Open Day. We are very pleased that this year the Lubbock lecture will be given by Dr John Taylor, OBE, FRS, FREng, Director General of Research Councils, Office and Science and Technology on the subject "E-science and the Information Utility". Other lectures earlier in the afternoon will describe some of the research in Information Engineering in the Department and in a spin-out company.

There is no formal timetabling of the morning's events and there will be no charge for tea or the evening buffet. It will be helpful however to have some idea about numbers of those wishing to attend the various activities. I would be most grateful therefore, should you wish to come to the Open Day, if you would fill in and return the tear-off form below. Please note that lunch will not be provided (there are several restaurants nearby).

I look forward to meeting you on May 26.

Rodney Eatock Taylor, Head of Department